The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies
September 2020(No.722)
Women in Professional and Managerial Occupations



Awareness of Hidden Bias in Everyday Practices at Worksites
Yumiko Uzawa

ARTICLESSeptember 2020(No.722) (PDF:455KB)

Career Development and Work-Life Balance for Female Researchers
Sayaka Shinohara
Consideration of Female Labor in the Field of Information Processing and Communications Technology
Sadayo Hirata
Working Conditions and Overwork of Nurses in Japan’s Hyper-aged Society
Noriko Sato
What Suppresses the Careers of Female Physicians
Kayo Fukami
Working Situation of Certified Social Workers: Focusing on Female Workers
Kimiko Shirahata
Current Issues Concerning Standardization of Teacher Development Policies Based on Aspects of Career Development of Female Teachers
Ikue Kimura
The Impact of Judicial System Reform on Gender Stratification of Japanese Lawyers
Mayumi Nakamura
Promoting Women to Managerial Positions in Japan: Full-fledged Human Resource Development by Business is the Key
Akiko Ouchi
Politics as Work: A Gender Analysis of Legislators’ Careers
Mari Miura


Yoichi Shimada, Miho Mitsunari,Takashi Yonezu,Toshiko Kanno (eds.)
Contribution from Jurisprudence toward building the Society respecting Dignity: Collaborating between Social Law and Gender Law.
Ryoko Sakuraba


Maia Cucchiara, Erin Cassar and Monica Clark “‘I Just Need a Job!’ :
Behavioral Solutions,Structural Problems, and the Hidden Curriculum of Parenting Education.”
Hwangseok Ryu


My Experience of Lockdown in New York
Naoko Ohri