The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies
January 2019(No.702)
Work Style Reform Series 2 : Working Hours



A Sense of Humor that Saw through Human Hypocrisy
─Mourning the Death of Professor Ronald Dore
Takeshi Inagami


Requirements when Reviewing the Flextime System
Koichiro Yamaguchi

ARTICLESAbstracts January 2019(No.702) (PDF:409KB)

Legal Analysis of the Working Time Regulations Reform of 2018
Hajime Wada
Scope and Flexibility of the EU Working Time Directive 2003/88/EC:
Development, Purpose, and underlying Fundamental Rights
Shiro Ikawa
The Effect of Work-style Reform Legislation on Long Working Hours in Japan
Isamu Yamamoto
Regulatory Reform of Work Hours and the Response of Companies
Kazuya Ogura
Toward Remedying Long Working Hours in Trucking Industry
Kunishige Asai
Deliberation of the Work Style Reform Law and Labor Management Relations:
The Legal System for Working Hours
Sumiko Ebisuno


Haruhiko Shimoyama, Mina Nakano
Coping with Modern-type Depression in the Workplace: For Better Understanding,
Prevention, and Support
Tamayu Fukamachi


Hummel, H. G. K., Boyle, E. A., Einarsdottir, S., Petursdottir, A., and Graur, A.
“Game-based Career Learning Support for Youth: Effects of Playing
the Youth@Work Game on Career Adaptability”
Tomohiro Kimura


The “Push” toward Egalitarian Equilibrium
Yuko Onozaka