Databook of International Labour Statistics 2023
- Published on March 27, 2023
- [Errata] Table 2-11-2 and Table 2-13-2(Age group “75+” of United States of America, Germany, France, Italy and Belgium) was replaced to the corrected data. (update on September 19, 2023)
This publication is available in electronic format only.
Individual tables in PDF and MS Excel format are as follows:
Individual tables
1. Economy and Business (PDF:2.6MB)
- Table 1-1-1. GDP in national currency (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:19KB)
- Table 1-1-2. GDP in U.S. dollars (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:19KB)
- Table 1-2-1. Nominal GDP growth rates (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:21KB)
- Table 1-2-2. Real GDP growth rates (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:19KB)
- Table 1-3-1. GDP per capita in national currency (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:19KB)
- Table 1-3-2. GDP per capita in U.S. dollars (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:19KB)
- Table 1-4-1. National income per capita in national currency (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:19KB)
- Table 1-4-2. National income per capita in U.S. dollars (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:17KB)
- Table 1-5. Compensation of employees (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:19KB)
- Table 1-6-1. GDP by economic activity in national currency (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:19KB)
- Table 1-6-2. Component ratio of GDP by economic activity (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:20KB)
- Table 1-7. GDP by expenditure approach (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:22KB)
- Table 1-8. GDP by production approach (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:20KB)
- Table 1-9. National savings rates (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:17KB)
- Table 1-10. Industrial production indices (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:20KB)
- Table 1-11-1. Current account (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:19KB)
- Table 1-11-2. Trade balance (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:14KB)
- Table 1-12. Exchange rates, annual average (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:26KB)
- Table 1-13. Producer price indices (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:18KB)
- Table 1-14. Consumer price indices (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:18KB)
- Table 1-15. Purchasing power parities (PPPs) (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:17KB)
- Table 1-16. Comparative price levels (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:15KB)
- Table 1-17. Comparative price levels and purchasing power parities (PPPs) (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:17KB)
- Table 1-18. Labour productivity levels (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:34KB)
- Table 1-19. Labour share (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:19KB)
- Table 1-20. Labour productivity (GDP per hour worked), annual growth rates (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:17KB)
2. Population and Labour Force (PDF:2.6MB)
- Table 2-1. Total population (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:20KB)
- Table 2-2. Population growth rates (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:15KB)
- Table 2-3. Youth population, 0-14 years old (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:20KB)
- Table 2-4. Working age population, 15-64 years old (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:18KB)
- Table 2-5. Elderly population, 65 years old or over (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:18KB)
- Table 2-6. Population by sex and age group (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:37KB)
- Table 2-7. Crude birth rates and crude death rates (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:16KB)
- Table 2-8. Life expectancy at birth by sex (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:16KB)
- Table 2-9. Total fertility rates (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:16KB)
- Table 2-10-1. Labour force (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:21KB)
- Table 2-10-2. Labour force by sex and age group (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:36KB)
- Table 2-11-1. Labour force participation rates (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:33KB)
- Table 2-11-2. Labour force participation rates by sex and age group (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:38KB)
- Table 2-12-1. Employment (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:22KB)
- Table 2-12-2. Employment by sex and age group (PDF:1.5MB) (Excel:36KB)
- Table 2-13-1. Employment rates (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:34KB)
- Table 2-13-2. Employment rates by sex and age group (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:38KB)
- Table 2-14. Stock of foreign population (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:16KB)
3. Employment Structure (PDF:3.4MB)
- Table 3-1. Employment by economic activity (PDF:1.7MB) (Excel:103KB)
- Table A. International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) (PDF:1.5MB) (Excel:19KB)
- Table 3-2. Sectoral composition of employment (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:15KB)
- Table 3-3. Employees by economic activity (PDF:1.7MB) (Excel:103KB)
- Table 3-4. Employment by occupation and sex (PDF:1.6MB) (Excel:96KB)
- Table B. International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:13KB)
- Table 3-5. Occupational composition of employment (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:17KB)
- Table 3-6. Women's share of managerial employment (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:21KB)
- Table 3-7. Employment by professional status (PDF:1.5MB) (Excel:39KB)
- Table 3-8. Part-time employment as a proportion of total employment (PDF:1.5MB) (Excel:39KB)
- Table 3-9. Gender share of part-time employment (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:23KB)
- Table 3-10. Share of temporary employment (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:31KB)
- Table 3-11. Share of temporary employment by sex and age group (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:14KB)
- Table 3-12. Temporary agency workers as a proportion of total workforce (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:19KB)
- Table 3-13-1. Composition of employees by length of service (PDF:1.5MB) (Excel:17KB)
- Table 3-13-2. Length of service by sex and age group (PDF:1.5MB) (Excel:16KB)
- Table 3-14. Youth's views on job changes (PDF:1.5MB) (Excel:17KB)
- Table 3-15. Retirement age of older persons (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:17KB)
- Table 3-16. Public employment security services (PDF:1.3MB) in Japanese
- Table 3-17. Temporary employment agency services (PDF:1.1MB) in Japanese
- Table 3-18. Age-based legal mechanisms including mandatory retirement age (PDF:1.1MB) in Japanese
4. Unemployment, Unemployment Insurance and Employment Adjustment (PDF:2.2MB)
- Table 4-1. Unemployment rates (PDF:1.7MB) (Excel:23KB)
- Table 4-2-1. Unemployment by age group (all persons) (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:22KB)
- Table 4-2-2. Unemployment by age group (male) (PDF:1.5MB) (Excel:23KB)
- Table 4-2-3. Unemployment by age group (female) (PDF:1.5MB) (Excel:25KB)
- Table 4-3. Unemployment rates by age group (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:17KB)
- Table 4-4. Incidence of long-term unemployment among total unemployment (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:41KB)
- Table 4-5. Incidence of unemployment by duration (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:16KB)
- Table 4-6. Definitions of unemployed (PDF:1.1MB) in Japanese
- Table 4-7. Unemployment insurance schemes (PDF:1.1MB) in Japanese
- Table 4-8. Number of persons receiving unemployment benefit (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:19KB)
- Table 4-9. Reemployment support programmes, employment adjustment subsidies (PDF:1.4MB) in Japanese
5. Wages and Labour Costs (PDF:2.4MB)
- Table 5-1. Hourly wages, manufacturing (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:18KB)
- Table 5-2. Wages, manufacturing (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:18KB)
- Table 5-3. Wages by economic activity (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:17KB)
- Table 5-4. Annual hourly earnings indices, manufacturing (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:16KB)
- Table 5-5. Earnings gap between full-time and part-time workers (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:15KB)
- Table 5-6. Unit labour costs (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:18KB)
- Table 5-7. Competitive positions: relative unit labour costs (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:16KB)
- Table 5-8. Labour costs, manufacturing (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:19KB)
- Table 5-9. Structure of labour costs as a percentage of total costs, manufacturing (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:16KB)
- Table 5-10. Gender wage gap in median earnings of full-time employees (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:17KB)
- Table 5-11-1. Wage gap by age group (total type of workers) (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:16KB)
- Table 5-11-2. Wage gap by age group (production workers) (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:16KB)
- Table 5-11-3. Wage gap by age group (supervisory, clerical and technical workers) (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:16KB)
- Table 5-12. Wage gap by length of service (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:29KB)
- Table 5-13. Wage gap by establishment size (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:16KB)
- Table 5-14. Gini coefficients of income inequality (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:19KB)
- Table 5-15. Income share by quintiles (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:18KB)
- Table 5-16. Percentage of people with an income below 50% of median income (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:22KB)
- Table 5-17. Minimum wage-fixing mechanisms (PDF:1.1MB) in Japanese
- Table 5-18. Changes in the minimum wage (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:16KB)
6. Hours of Work and Working-time Arrangements (PDF:2.1MB)
- Table 6-1. Average annual hours actually worked per person in employment (PDF:1.7MB) (Excel:33KB)
- Table 6-2. Hours of work per week (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:31KB)
- Table 6-3. Proportion of workers working 49 hours or more per week (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:44KB)
- Table 6-4. Number of annual holidays (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:18KB)
- Table 6-5. Legal holidays (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:17KB) in Japanese
- Table 6-6. Working-time and paid leave arrangements (PDF:1.1MB) in Japanese
7. Trade Union, Industrial Relations and Occupational Accidents (PDF:2.0MB)
- Table 7-1. Trade union membership and density rates (PDF:1.5MB) (Excel:16KB)
- Table 7-2. Union density rates according to the ILO Union Database (PDF:1.7MB) (Excel:17KB)
- Table 7-3. Number of labour disputes, workers involved and days lost (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:24KB)
- Table 7-4. Number of workers injured due to occupational accidents and days lost (PDF:1.5MB) (Excel:27KB)
- Table 7-5. Incidence rates of occupational accidents (PDF:1.5MB) (Excel:17KB)
8. Education and Human Resources Development (PDF:2.0MB)
- Table 8-1-1. Entry rates to tertiary education (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:21KB)
- Table 8-1-2. Entry rates to tertiary education by level of education (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:19KB)
- Table 8-2-1. School system, Japan (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:29KB) in Japanese
- Table 8-2-2. School system, USA (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:27KB)in Japanese
- Table 8-2-3. School system, UK (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:30KB)in Japanese
- Table 8-2-4. School system, Germany (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:30KB)in Japanese
- Table 8-2-5. School system, France (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:30KB)in Japanese
- Table 8-2-6. School system, China (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:34KB)in Japanese
- Table 8-2-7. School system, Republic of Korea (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:26KB) in Japanese
- Table 8-3. Career development and job-search assistance for youth (PDF:1.1MB) in Japanese
9. Worklife and Welfare (PDF:2.2MB)
- Table 9-1. Composition of households and NPISH, resources side/uses side (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:22KB)
- Table 9-2. Domestic final consumption expenditure of households per capita (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:27KB)
- Table 9-3-1. Household income and expenditure by age group of householder (Japan) (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:22KB)
- Table 9-3-2. Household income and expenditure by age group of householder (USA) (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:17KB)
- Table 9-3-3. Household income and expenditure by age group of householder (UK) (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:18KB)
- Table 9-3-4. Household income and expenditure by age group of householder (Germany) (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:16KB)
- Table 9-4. Tax and social security burden as a percentage of national income (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:13KB)
- Table 9-5. Public social expenditure by policy area (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:56KB)
- Table 9-6. Public expenditure on labour market programmes as a percentage of GDP (PDF:1.5MB) (Excel:24KB)
- Table 9-7. Employer-employee social security rates (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:22KB)
- Table 9-8. Public assistance systems (PDF:1.4MB) in Japanese
- Table 9-9. Childcare leave schemes (PDF:1.1MB) in Japanese
- Table 9-10. Financial support for childcare, including child benefits (PDF:1.1MB) in Japanese
- Table 9-11. Average minutes spent in different activities (PDF:1.3MB) (Excel:17KB)
- Table 9-12. Gender Inequality Index (GII) (PDF:1.4MB) (Excel:18KB)
Series Archive
- Databook of International Labour Statistics 2024
- Databook of International Labour Statistics 2023
- Databook of International Labour Statistics 2022
- Databook of International Labour Statistics 2019
- Databook of International Labour Statistics 2018
- Databook of International Labour Statistics 2017
- Databook of International Labour Statistics 2016
- Databook of International Labour Statistics 2015
- Databook of International Labour Statistics 2014
- Databook of International Labour Statistics 2013
- Databook of International Labour Statistics 2012
- Databook of International Labour Statistics 2011
- Databook of International Labour Statistics 2010
- Databook of International Labour Statistics 2009
- Databook of International Labour Statistics 2008
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