バイデン大統領は2021年4月26日の大統領令で、「労働者の組織化と権限強化に関する検討部会(議長:ハリス副大統領、副議長:ウォルシュ労働長官(当時))」を設けた。部会は22年2月7日に「行政機関の既存の権限を行使し、労働者の組織化、権限付与に対する長年の障壁を取り除く」ための約70項目にわたる提言を公表(注1)。その中で、連邦財務省に対して、中間層形成における労組の影響について調査・検証することを盛り込んでいた。これを受け、連邦財務省は23年8月28日に「労働組合と中間層(Labor Unions and The Middle Class)と題する報告書(以下、「報告書」)(注2)をとりまとめた。
報告書は研究者の論文やBLSの人口動態調査(CPS)、世界不平等研究所(World Inequality Lab)のデータ(注3)から、米国における過去100年間の労組組織率と、総所得に占める上位1%の所得の割合(上位1%比)の推移を示した(図表1)」。それによると、近年は労組組織率が低下していく一方で、上位1%比は上昇し、所得格差拡大の傾向がみてとれる。
出所:U.S.Department of the Treasury(2023)Labor Unionsand the Middle Class
経済全体に及ぼす効果に関しては、「1938~68年における「90/10 (上位10%と下位10%の格差を示す)所得比率」が20%低下したことの約半分は、労組の台頭で説明できる」「組織率が10ポイント上昇すると、男性の「90/10賃金比率」は2%低下する」「州の組織率が10ポイント上昇すると、その州の上位10%が占める所得の割合が6ポイント低下する」(注9)」、「1979~2017年における労組の排除は男性の「90/10賃金比率」の上昇の約13%に寄与し、組合非加入者への波及効果を考えるとその影響は約2倍になる)」(注10)、「州の組織率上昇は「働く貧困(家庭所得が全国中央値の50%未満と定義)」を減らす」(注11)といった内容の研究論文をとりあげている。
- 「労働者の組織化、権限強化を提言 ―ホワイトハウスの検討部会」JILPT海外労働情報2022年4月(本文へ)
- 連邦財務省ウェブサイト参照(本文へ)
- 以下の論文、データを基に算出している。
・Farber, Henry S., Daniel Herbst, Ilyana Kuziemko, and Suresh Naidu.(2021)“Unions and Inequality over the Twentieth Century: New Evidence from Survey Data.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 136 (3): 1325–1385
・Freeman, Richard B. (1998) “Spurts in Union Growth: Defining Moments and Social Processes.” In The Defining Moment: The Great Depression and the American Economy in the Twentieth Century, edited by Michael D. Bordo, Claudia Goldin, and Eugene N. White, 265–296. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
・U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics(2023)Current Population Survey (CPS)
・World Inequality Lab(2023)World Inequality Database(本文へ) - 「組合賃金プレミアム」を分析した論文として、以下をとりあげている。
・Gittleman, Maury, and Morris M. Kleiner.(2016)“Wage effects of unionization and occupational licensing coverage in the United States.”ILR Review 69 (1): 142–172.
・Kleiner, Morris M., and Alan B. Krueger.(2013)“Analyzing the Extent and Influence of Occupational Licensing on the Labor Market.” Journal of Labor Economics 31 (2): S173–S202
・Card, David.(1996)“The effect of unions on the structure of wages: A longitudinal analysis.” Econometrica 64 (4): 957–979
・Card, David, Thomas Lemieux, and W. Craig Riddell.(2018) “Unions and Wage Inequality: The Roles of Gender, Skill and Public Sector Employment.” National Bureau of Economic Research, working paper no. 25313.
・Farber, Henry S., Daniel Herbst, Ilyana Kuziemko, and Suresh Naidu.(2021)“Unions and Inequality over the Twentieth Century: New Evidence from Survey Data.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 136 (3): 1325–1385
・Ferguson, John-Paul.(2008)“The Eyes of the Needles: A Sequential Model of Union Organizing Drives, 1999–2004.” ILR Review 62 (1): 3–21.
・DiNardo, John, and David S. Lee.(2004)“Economic Impacts of New Unionization on Private Sector Employers: 1984–2001.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 119 (4): 1383–1441
・Young, Samuel and Sean Wang.(2021)“Unionization, Employer Opposition, and Establishment Closure.”
・Frandsen, Brigham R.(2021)“The Surprising Impacts of Unionization: Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Data.” Journal of Labor Economics 39 (4): 861–894;
・Sojourner, Aaron J., Brigham R. Frandsen, Robert J. Town, David C. Grabowski, and Min M. Chen .(2015)“Impacts of unionization on quality and productivity: Regression discontinuity evidence from nursing homes.” ILR Review 68 (4): 771–806.(本文へ) - 安全衛生関係への影響について以下の論文を紹介している。
・Sojourner, Aaron, and Jooyoung Yang.(2022)“Effects of union certification on workplace-safety enforcement: regression-discontinuity evidence.” ILR Review 75 (2): 373–401.
・Weil, David.(1991)“Enforcing OSHA: The role of labor unions.” Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 30 (1): 20–36(本文へ) - 組合員以外への労組の波及効果について、以下の論文等を紹介している。
・Fortin, Nicole M., Thomas Lemieux, and Neil Lloyd.(2021)“Labor market institutions and the distribution of wages: The role of spillover effects.” Journal of Labor Economics 39 (S2): S369–S412
・Firpo, Sergio, Nicole M. Fortin, and Thomas Lemieux.(2009)“Unconditional quantile regressions.” Econometrica 77 (3): 953–973.
・Rosenfeld, Jake, Patrick Denice, and Jennifer Laird.(2016)“Union decline lowers wages of nonunion workers.” Economic Policy Institute, August 30, 2016(本文へ) - Rosenfeld, Jake, and Meredith Kleykamp.(2012)“Organized Labor and Racial Wage Inequality in the United States.” American Journal of Sociology 117 (5): 1460–1502.(本文へ)
- Biasi, Barbara, and Heather Sarsons.(2022)“Flexible wages, bargaining, and the gender gap.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 137 (1): 215–266.(本文へ)
- Farber, Henry S., Daniel Herbst, Ilyana Kuziemko, and Suresh Naidu.(2021)“Unions and Inequality over the Twentieth Century: New Evidence from Survey Data.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 136 (3): 1325–1385(本文へ)
- Fortin, Nicole M., Thomas Lemieux, and Neil Lloyd.(2021) “Labor market institutions and the distribution of wages: The role of spillover effects.” Journal of Labor Economics39 (S2): S369–S412;(本文へ)
- Brady, David, Regina S. Baker, and Ryan Finnigan. (2013) “When unionization disappears: State-level unionization and working poverty in the United States.” American Sociological Review 78 (5): 872–896(本文へ)
- 以下の論文をとりあげている。
・Dube, Arindrajit, Ethan Kaplan, and Owen Thompson.(2016) “Nurse unions and patient outcomes.” ILR Review 69 (4): 803–833
・Sojourner, Aaron J., Brigham R. Frandsen, Robert J. Town, David C. Grabowski, and Min M. Chen. (2015)“Impacts of unionization on quality and productivity: Regression discontinuity evidence from nursing homes.” ILR Review 68(4): 771–806.
・Dean, Adam, Jamie McCallum, Simeon D. Kimmel, and Atheendar S. Venkataramani.(2022) “Resident Mortality and Worker Infection Rates from COVID-19 Lower in Union than Nonunion US Nursing Homes, 2020–21.” Health Affairs 41 (5): 751–759.
・Gruber, Jonathan, and Samuel A. Kleiner.(2012)“Do strikes kill? Evidence from New York state.” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 4 (1): 127–57
・Alder, Simeon, David Lagakos, and Lee Ohanian.(2023)“Labor Market Conflict and the Decline of the Rust Belt.” Journal of Political Economy 131 (4)
・Black, Sandra E., and Lisa M. Lynch. (2001) “How to Compete: The Impact of Workplace Practices and Information Technology on Productivity.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 83 (3): 434–445
・Matsudaira, Jordan D., and Richard W. Patterson .(2017) “Teachers’ unions and school performance: Evidence from California charter schools.” Economics of Education Review 61:35–50.
・Frandsen, Brigham R.(2021) “The Surprising Impacts of Unionization: Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Data.” Journal of Labor Economics 39 (4): 861–894;
・Young, Samuel and Sean Wang(2021) “Unionization, Employer Opposition, and Establishment Closure.”
・Lee, David S., and Alexandre Mas.(2012)“Long-run impacts of unions on firms: New evidence from financial markets, 1961–1999.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 127 (1):333–378.(本文へ) - 既存研究を概観した論文として以下をとりあげている。
・Doucouliagos, Christos, and Patrice Laroche(2003)“What do unions do to productivity? A meta-analysis.” Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 42 (4):650–691
・Hirsch, Barry T(2004)“What Do Unions do for Economic Performance?” Journal of Labor Research 25, 415–456
・Doucouliagos, Christos, Richard B. Freeman, and Patrice Laroche(2017)The Economics of Trade Unions: A study of a Research Field and Its Findings. London: Routledge.(本文へ)
- U.S.Department of the Treasury(2023) Labor Unions and The Middle Class
- 中島醸(2023)「バイデン政権における財務省報告書と労働組合」JP総研Research(64)
- 中村天江(2023)「米バイデン政権『労働組合と中間層』−報告書のメッセージと日本への示唆」月刊DIO 391連合総合生活開発研究所
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