As of June 2024

Title, Research section

Senior Researcher, Career Development

Area/Field of Research

Educational Sociology and Labour Sociology (particularly transition from school to work, social policy on youth employment and career/vocational education)

Educational History

Doctoral coursework completed, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University, March 2006

Master of Education, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University, March 2003

Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Education, Kyoto University, March 1999

Career History

Research Experience

Senior Researcher, Department of Career Development, Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, April 2019 – present

Visiting Scholar, SOAS, University of London, March 2017 – March 2018

Vice Senior Researcher, Department of Career Development, Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, November 2012 – present

Researcher, Department of Career Development, Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, April 2012 – November 2012

Researcher, Department of Career Guidance, Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, April 2006 – March 2012

Visiting Researcher, Recruit Works Institute, May 2005 – March 2006

Teaching Experience

Lecturer (Part-Time), University of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering, April 2014 – present

Lecturer (Part-Time), Bunkyo Gakuin University, Faculty of Human Studies, April 2012 – March 2016

Lecturer (Part-Time), Tamagawa University, Faculty of Education, April 2011 – March 2014

Research Projects

Japan Labor Issues

JILPT Research Report (in Japanese)

JILPT Project Research Series (in Japanese)

JILPT Research Series (in Japanese)

JILPT Research Material Series (in Japanese)

JILPT Discussion Paper (in Japanese)

Publications and Papers

  • Chihiro IWAWAKI (2012), ‘Groubalizeishon ni Nomarenu Jinzai no Ikusei wo Mezashite (What Should Senior High School Do to Help Students Thrive and Create Alternative Worth Despite Labour Globalization?), Gekkan Koukou Kyouiku (Monthly High School Education), vol.45 (10), pp. 38-41.
  • Chihiro IWAWAKI (2010), ‘Shu-shoku no Syakaigaku (Sociology of New Graduates' Job Hunting), Hachiro IWAI and Hiroyuki KONDOU (eds. & authors), Gendai Kyouiku Syakaigaku (Contemporary Sociology of Education), Yuhikaku Publishing, Mar 2010, Chapter 6, pp. 97-114.
  • Chihiro IWAWAKI (2009), ‘Daigaku Shinsotsusya Saiyou ni Okeru Mensetsu Hyouka no Kouzou (A Study of the Structure of Employment Interviews to New University Graduates)’ reprinting, Shuichi TSUKAHARA (ed. & author). Riidingsu Nihon no Kyouiku to Syakai (The Collection of Treatises on Japanese Education and Society) vol. 12 Koutou Kyouiku (Higher Education), Nihon Tosho Center, Part2, 8, pp. 161-176.
  • Chihiro IWAWAKI (2009), ‘Kigyou Intabyuu Kara Miete Kita Mono (Two Types of Recruiting Processes: How Do Japanese Companies Select Recent University Graduates?), Soshioloji (Sociology), vol. 53 (3), pp. 125-132.
  • Chihiro IWAWAKI (2007), ‘Daigaku Shinsotsusya Saiyou ni Okeru Mensetsu Hyouka no Kouzou (A Study of the Structure of Employment Interview to New University Graduates)’ (in Japanese), (PDF: 383KB), Nihon Rodou Kenkyu Zassi (The Japanese journal of labour studies), No. 567, (10) pp. 49-59.
  • Chihiro IWAWAKI (2006), ‘Daigaku Shinsotsusya ni Motomeru Nouryoku no Kouzou to Henyou (Changing Structure of the Quality of Manpower Required for New University Graduates: Analysis of the Interviews with Corporate Recruiting Staff)’, Works Review, vol. 1 pp. 36-49, (Award of Excellence in a Paper).
  • Chihiro IWAWAKI (2006), ‘Koudo Seityouki Igo no Daigaku Shinsotsusya Saiyou ni Okeru Nozomashii Jinzaizou no Henyou (A Study of Changes on Desirable Characteristics for New University Graduates Looking for Job in Japan: Comparative Analysis in 1971, 1986 and 2001), Kyoto Daigaku Kyouiku Gaku Kenkyuuka Kiyou (Kyoto University Research Studies in Education), vol. 52 pp. 76-92.
  • Chihiro IWAWAKI (2006), ‘A.R.Hochschild “On the Edge of the Time Bind: Time and Market Culture”’ (in Japanese), (PDF:219KB), Nihon Rodou Kenkyu Zassi (The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies), No. 553 (8), pp. 895-896 (paper review).
  • Chihiro IWAWAKI (2004), ‘Daigaku Shinsotsusya Saiyou ni Okeru Nozomashii Jinzaizou no Kenkyuu (A Study of the Desirable Characteristics for New University Graduates: Comparative Analysis of the Published Statements of Japanese Larger Companies Recruiters 1991-2001), Kyouiku Shakaigaku Kenkyuu (The Journal of Educational Sociology), vol. 74 pp. 309-327.
  • Chihiro IWAWAKI (2004), ‘Rikou Kei Eriito no Chii Tassei: Tenshoku ga Motarasu Kouka (A Study of the Effects of Job Change: How Do the Elite Japanese Graduates from Faculties of Science and Engineering Achieve Their Occupational Status?), Kazushi Hirasawa (eds. & author), Rikou Kei Daisotsusha ni okeru Kyouiku kara Shokugyou eno Ikou no Kouzou to Katei ni Kansuru Jikeretsu Kenkyuu (From University to Work: Focusing on Engineering Graduates) FY2001~FY2003 Grants-in-Aid for scientific research expenses (C) (2) Final Research Report, Chapter 5, pp. 57-71.
  • Chihiro IWAWAKI (2002), ‘Book Review: Arlie Russell Hochschild “The Time Bind: When Work Becomes Home and Home Becomes Work”’ (in Japanese), Kyouiku Shakai Bunka (Socio-Cultural Studies of Education), vol.8 pp.61-71.

Governmental or Public Activities

  • Advisory Member, Expert Committee of the Youth and Industrial Human Resource Development Committee, Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TCCI), April 2014 - present.
  • Member, Council for Local Industrial Education, Saitama Prefecture, May 2012 - May 2016.
  • Member, Society for Implementation of the OECD-PIAAC (the Programme for the International Assessment for Adult Competencies), National Institute for Educational Policy Research of Japan in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology , January - December 2012.
  • Member, Planning Society for the OECD-PIAAC (the Programme for the International Assessment for Adult Competencies), National Institute for Educational Policy Research of Japan in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, July 2008 - March 2010.

Academic Societies' Membership

The Japan Society of Educational Sociology (Member, Committee of Research, January 2016 - present)

The Japan Sociological Society

Japanese Association of Higher Education Research

Society for the Study of Social Policy

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