Japan Labor Issues
Contents by Article 2019

Vol.3, No.19

Vol.3, No.18

Vol.3, No.16

Vol.3, No.15

Vol.3, No.14


Vol.3, No.19

Vol.3, No.18

Vol.3, No.16

Vol.3, No.15

Vol.3, No.14

Judgments and Orders

Vol.3, No.19

Vol.3, No.18

Vol.3, No.16

Vol.3, No.15

Vol.3, No.14

Series: Japan's Employment System and Public Policy

Vol.3, No.19

Vol.3, No.18

Vol.3, No.16

Vol.3, No.15

Vol.3, No.14

Statistical Indicators

Seminar Report

Vol.3, No.17

The 3rd JILPT Tokyo Comparative Labor Policy Seminar 2019 "The Future of Women and Work -Policy Responses to Women’s Employment"

This Special Issue includes papers submitted by 10 promising researchers as country reports, where they introduce their findings on the latest labor policy issues in each country and region addressing the broad theme of the Seminar.

Full Text: Japan Labor Issues Vol.3, No.17, August-September 2019 (PDF:2.03MB)

If it takes long to download the full text, please access each section file below.

Research Paper

Here is a special feature for two (in No.12, January-February and No.13, March-April issues) including six significant papers selected by the Editorial Office of Japan Labor Issues from various relevant papers published in 2016–2017. These papers address the latest subjects as well as conventional themes on labor in Japan. Each author has arranged the original papers, written in Japanese, in translation for the benefit of overseas readers, which surely will offer useful information and deeper insights into the state of labor in Japan. We sincerely thank them for their effort for this issue.

Vol.3, No.13

Full Text: Japan Labor Issues Vol.3, No.13, March-April 2019 (PDF:1.09MB)

If it takes long to download the full text, please access each section file below.


Vol.3, No.12

Full Text: Japan Labor Issues Vol.3, No.12, January-February 2019 (PDF:1.09MB)

If it takes long to download the full text, please access each section file below.


By Year

Related Information


International Research Exchange Section (Editorial Office)

E-mail:j-emm [at sign] jil.go.jp

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