
  Summer Year-end
(5 employees
or more)
Principal Enterprises Industries
(5 employees
or more)
  Annual percent change   Annual percent change   Annual percent change   Annual percent change
Calendar year ¥ % ¥ % ¥ % ¥ %
2000 758,804 -0.54 442,921 - 799,232 0.76 471,809 -
2001 783,113 2.86 438,079 - 812,934 1.76 454,251 -
2002 749,803 -4.30 412,853 - 755,551 -5.88 432,261 -
2003 781,930 3.00 418,818 - 771,540 1.97 428,475 -
2004 810,052 3.53 406,697 - 811,082 3.87 430,188 -
2005 839,313 4.03 410,231 - 840,516 5.39 432,312 -
2006 841,817 2.94 415,437 - 841,854 2.53 432,220 -
2007 843,779 2.27 406,072 - 845,119 1.47 416,816 -
2008 842,270 -0.29 406,611 - 831,813 -0.63 422,313 -
2009 710,844 -14.33 364,191 - 726,933 -12.64 381,547 -
2010 711,890 0.01 368,551 - 733,935 0.68 380,309 -
2011 747,187 4.70 365,158 - 761,294 3.64 375,747 -
2012 726,345 -2.33 359,974 - 739,295 -2.26 368,144 -
2013 746,334 1.85 362,794 0.3 761,364 1.81 370,898 0.3
2014 800,653 6.97 375,260 3.0 800,638 6.02 381,409 2.4
2015 832,292 4.59 360,889 -2.7 830,434 3.08 374,338 -0.5
2016 843,577 0.82 370,298 2.6 830,609 0.71 375,207 0.2
2017 825,150 -0.62 371,600 0.4 830,625 -0.78 386,614 3.0
2018 870,731 4.07 387,048 4.2 862,986 3.34 391,158 1.2
2019 845,453 -1.85 381,343 -1.5 868,604 0.10 390,733 -0.1
2020 828,171 -2.14 383,439 0.5 786,460 -6.54 380,481 -2.6
2021 773,632 -4.30 380,268 -0.8 782,198 -1.92 380,787 0.1
2022 832,340 9.57 389,331 2.4 842,978 8.58 392,975 3.2
2023 845,557 0.72 397,129 2.0 849,545 0.86 395,647 0.7
2024 898,754 4.33 414,515 2.3        
Source MHLW
"The Result of Summer Bonus"
"Monthly Labour Survey"
"The Result of Year-end Bonus"
"Monthly Labour Survey"
Line graph. Bonuses (Summer,Year-end)Annual percent change. See the table above for data.