Springtime Wage Increase

  Average pay raise agreed upon Wage-increase percentage Laspeyres Wage Index 
Small and medium
Small and medium
Annual Change
Calendar year ¥ ¥ % % %
2000 6,499 3,798 2.06 1.56 -0.7
2001 6,328 3,775 2.01 1.54 -0.1
2002 5,265 2,913 1.66 1.19 -1.3
2003 5,233 2,860 1.63 1.17 -0.7
2004 5,348 3,048 1.67 1.26 -0.7
2005 5,422 3,359 1.71 1.37 -0.2
2006 5,661 3,587 1.79 1.47 -0.1
2007 5,890 3,807 1.87 1.55 0.1
2008 6,149 3,787 1.99 1.54 -0.5
2009 5,630 1.83 -1.7
2010 5,516 1.82 -0.5
2011 5,555 1.83 -0.1
2012 5,400 1.78 -0.1
2013 5,478 1.80 -1.0
2014 6,711 2.19 0.6
2015 7,367 2.38 1.2
2016 6,639 2.14 0.1
2017 6,570 2.11 -0.0
2018 7,033 2.26 0.2
2019 6,790 2.18 0.5
2020 6,286 2.00 0.7
2021 5,854 1.86 -0.5
2022 6,898 2.20 1.2
2023 11,245 3.60 2.0
2024 17,415 5.33  
Source MHLW
"Conditions Relating to Claim and Result of Spring Wage Negotiation"
"Useful Labor Statistics"
Laspeyres Wage Index is estimated based on data from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's Basic Survey on Wage Structure by fixing the structure of employee(sex, educational level, age, and years of service).
Survey on "Small and medium enterprises" is ceased in 2009.
Bar graph. Springtime wage-inclease percentage. See the table above for data.