ISHII Yukiko
As of May, 2024
Title, Research section
Researcher, Career Guidance and Job Analysis
Area/Field of Research
Social Psychology (Emotional Psychology), Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Graduated in Master Course in Educational Psychology, Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo
Entered the Doctoral Course in Educational Psychology, Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo
Main Research Results
- Yukiko Ishii & Yuta Shinya. (2021). Positive emotions have different impacts on mood and sympathetic changes in crying from negative emotions. Motivation and Emotion, 45(4), 530-542.
- Iimura, S., Yano, K., & Ishii, Y. (2022). Environmental Sensitivity in Adults: Psychometric Properties of the Japanese Version of the Highly Sensitive Person Scale 10-Item Version. Journal of Personality Assessment, 105(1), 87-99.
Academic Societies' Membership
The Japanese Psychological Association
Japanese Society of Developmental Psychology
Japanese Society for Research on Emotions