JILPT International Seminar 2015 (February 23-24)
Performance of Prevention and Resolution Mechanisms and Processes for Individual Labour Disputes
JILPT holds a biennial International Seminar on Labor Issues. This year we took up the critical issue of “Performance of Dispute Prevention and Resolution Mechanisms and the Process for Individual Labour Disputes”. We held a two-day seminar under joint host of JILPT and ILO in February, inviting academics and experts in the field. The main purpose of the Seminar was to gather information and learn from the experiences of each participating country and to draw some policy implications through cross-national discussion and comparative analyses.
- Date: February 23-24, 2015
- Venue: Hotel Grand Palace Tokyo
- Organized: The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, International Labour Organization
Speakers (in order of presentation)
Benjamin Jones / Retained Lecturer in Law, University of Oxford (U.K.)
- Individual Labour Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in the United Kingdom
Ryuichi Yamakawa / Professor, University of Tokyo (Japan)
- Performance and Evaluation of Japanese Systems for Resolving Individual Labour Disputes from the Viewpoint of Possible ILO Contributions
Bernd Waas / Full Professor of Law, Faculty of Law, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main (Germany) (PAPER ONLY)
- Avoidance and Resolution of Individual Employment Rights Disputes in Germany
Jenny Julén Votinius / Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Lund University (Sweden)
- Individual Labour Disputes Prevention and Resolution Mechanisms in Sweden
Allison Fiorentino / Lecturer in Law, University of Auvergne (France)
- Research on the Effectiveness of Mechanisms for the Prevention and Resolution of Individual Labour Conflicts
Ilario Alvino / Associate Professor, University of Milano Bicocca (Italy)
- Individual Labour Dispute Prevention and Resolution Institutions, Mechanisms and Processes in Italy: Regulatory Context and Performance
Adoración Guamán Hernández / Associate Professor, University of Valencia (Spain)
- Legal Framework Related to Individual Labour Dispute Prevention and Resolution Mechanisms, Institutions, and Processes
Anthony Forsyth / Professor, Graduate School of Business & Law, RMIT University (Australia)
- Individual Labour Dispute Resolution in Australia
Stéphanie Bernstein / Professor, Department of juridical sciences, University of Québec in Montréal (Canada)
- Individual Labour Dispute Prevention and Resolution Mechanisms, Institutions and Processes in Canada
Aaron Halegua / Research Scholar, School of Law, New York University (U.S.A.)
- Individual Labor Dispute Resolution in the United States