Our Final Appearance

When making international comparisons of labor issues, one sometimes finds it impossible to envisage the reality of a situation simply by looking at statistics. Some knowledge of everyday life and the basic attitudes of the people of a particular country help to deepen understanding. Also, it often happens that the truths are hidden in what cannot be seen. We have made efforts when selecting and writing articles to convey these concepts to readers who are interested in labor issues in Japan.

The fact is, human beings are never perfect, and to a dismaying extent, have repeated foolish or regrettable acts which have brought to the surface negative facets of human nature. As time passes, sand on the beach - as the saying goes - may disappear, but the seeds of labor-related problems will obstinately persist. As globalization advances, well-considered and prompt solutions will be required to address the problems which will unfortunately arise; at the same time, however, the wisdom to foresee possibilities for social change and forestall any new problems is even more critical.

What we need at the moment is to cultivate academic inquiry which is not an ad hoc but interdisciplinary basis, and sharpen proble -solving abilities. We also need to develop generous attitudes towards research and applied work which aim to create jobs which give meaning to people's lives. We need to promote the realization on a global basis of a truly wealthy and peaceful life without violence (including verbal abuse) and discrimination of any kind. These are, in fact, the only paths to a brighter future.

The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training and the editorial team of this e-mail journal hope to serve as a forerunner, an information provider, or at least a partner in realizing such a society, together with the workers, proprietors, researchers, businesspersons, and all others involved in labor issues.

We have received many words of encouragement from our readers. Upon the cessation of this publication, we would like to thank all of our subscribers for their support and assistance over many years.

Arigato-Farewell !