Globalization and Revitalization of Industrial and Regional Employment: Comparison of Germany and Japan


  • Time and Date: 13:00–16:30 March 26, 2004
  • Organized: The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, in collaboration with the Research Institute of Innovation Management, Hosei University

Timetable and Papers

13:00-13:05 Opening Address

  • Eiji Shiraishi / The Vice Research Director General, JILPT

13:05-13:30 Keynote Presentation for the Symposium

13:30-14:00 Session 1: Globalization and Hollowing-out of Japanese Industries

14:00-14:30 Session 2: Hollowing-out and the Revitalization of Industrial Agglomeration

Comments: Andreas Moerke / Dr., German Institute for Japanese Studies

14:30-15:00 Session 3: Lessons from German Experience

15:10-16:30 Panel Discussion

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